Mac Pro Distributed Workstation Systems

I would like to convince Apple to let me dismantle eight totr Mac Pro computers to create custom distributed workstation systems

The tweet:

How to do exactly that?

Am I going to rip apart a brand new totr Mac Pro?



That is the plan

Why would I not want to dismantle the Mac Pro and create a workstation system or solution that would extend the already stellar performance?

Any suggestions why not?

I think not - which is good - I like the sound of this project

My own opinion is affected by my interest in making custom Macintosh computers and Apple mobile devices running iOS.

How hard can it be?

Not that easy

Sort of the story

I understand the complexity of the project I would like to undertake, but with the tools and experience I have, I am almost certain that I am capable of finishing the project.

It is not always the case, but this project is one that can be completed with a little help from Apple Inc.