YouTube WUI Redesign

The YouTube redesign stories were thrust into our faces a few weeks ago; despite this, I have decided to throw in my two pennies (cents if you are from the US and Euro-cents if you are from the European Union) on the subject.
If you have not heard or read about the redesign plans YouTube has for its Web User Interface (WUI), UK Business Insider has an excellent write-up with a few examples published by Google.
YouTube Home
The YouTube Home dashboard is a staple of the YouTube experience.
It gives you everything you need to navigate through YouTube's extensive collection of videos.
The left-hand menu is clean and easy to use but the new version above appears to be crisper and easier on the eyes. The lines are neater and the overall result is a more professional looking WUI.
Dark mode is finally being officially supported!
I know a lot of people who wished to see an official dark mode for YouTube - there have been a few Chrome plugins which were able to offer a dark mode but officially supported is usually far superior to client-side fiddling.
This dark mode is being supported in the new redesign only. It looks excellent.
Clean and dark views do impress. I would like an easy switch to flick between the two themes.
I hope the dark and light themes show a trend for YouTube to support custom themes or mixing of themes.
I would like to see custom channel themes.
I would like to be able to force my themes on some of the channels which have their own themes with another toggle switch for forcing my theme or viewing the channel's theme.