Webgloss 2017 Newsletter

My Mother was sent this Webgloss newsletter in January 2017 because one of her clubs (of which she is a committee member) uses Webgloss for their web design.

From what I have seen, Webgloss charge a lot of money for doing nothing at all and will only make tiny changes to the content of the web for even more money.

The following five images contain my responses to the Webgloss 2017 Newsletter as requested by the chair of my Mum's club.

The five response pages where created on the 13th January 2017.

Webgloss have concerned the club committee for some of the passive-aggressive writing relating to content management system (CMS) use and the amount they charge for small updates to the website.

I am far from impressed by the contents of the newsletter.

The newsletter is filled with revenue increasing lies designed to convince customers not to use a CMS and have Webgloss take lots of money for simple updates to the web page.

SEO optimisation is built into the blogging platform I use, Ghost.

SEO has been in Blogger for as long as I can remember using Blogger, roughly 2008.

SEO has been available in Wordpress for a very long time.