Apple 2020 Apple Mac mini M1 + eGPU Three GPUs (one iGPU, two eGPU) for a monster-graphics output 2021 Mac mini M1. 6 x 6K displays 6 x 6016 x 3384 = 122,148,864 pixels
Apple Apple Silicon M1 + eGPU Apple Silicon M1 detects a Thunderbolt 3 eGPU enclosure and any Thunderbolt monitors daisy-chained from the Thunderbolt 3 eGPU enclosure; however, the GPU in the Thunderbolt 3 eGPU enclosure does not function correctly to display anything on any tested monitors.
Apple Apple MacBook Pro Display Connectivity Apple's Mac Pro with two AMD Radeon Pro VEGA II Duo MPX modules is capable of a maximum of 162,865,152 pixels. Apple's MacBook Pro with four AMD Radeon VIII GPUs is capable of a maximum of 438,847,488 pixels.
Apple Mac Pro Goes Mad for Graphics and Displays How many displays and pixels can a Mac Pro handle when using all 12 Thunderbolt ports to drive eGPUs (Radeon VII) with three 8K and one 4K display and eight Pro Display XDRs daisy-chained to the eGPU enclosures. 1,470,504,960 pixels
Apple Inc. Apple 2017 Mac Range This article is the predictions of MaX Falstein, CET and Founder [] of MaX Saxe Design [] for the year of 2017 (1st January to 31st December 2017) in the form of public developments and releases of new hardware and software designed by