MaX Saxe Design Ghost Platforms - What is going on?

MaX Saxe Design is on Ghost

This means that we are running all of our blogs on Ghost

By "all" we actually mean "one" for the time being, but we are intending on launching our own Ghost servers when we have a stable connection to the exchange, situated opposite our location, provided by our ISP.

The Big Plan

Starting sometime in 2015, this blog and a few others being built on Ghost will change and be added to. Here is the plan of what I am going to do with the MaX Saxe Design Ghost blogs.

MaX Saxe Design Ghost Blogs:

  • MaX Saxe Design Blog
  • MaX Saxe Design News
  • MaX Saxe Design Tech Blog
  • MaX Saxe Design Tech News

The Blogs - what they will be used for

MaX Saxe Design Blog

MaX Saxe Design Blog is a selection of opinions from MaX Saxe Design on MaX Saxe Design News

MaX Saxe Design Blog - opinions on MaX Saxe Design News

At bottom of MaX Saxe Design Blog links to MaX Saxe Design News

MaX Saxe Design News

MaX Saxe Design News is the News surrounding anything to do with MaX Saxe Design

MaX Saxe Design News - MaX Saxe Design News

At bottom of MaX Saxe Design News links to MaX Saxe Design Blog

MaX Saxe Design Tech Blog

MaX Saxe Design Tech Blog is a selection of opinions from MaX Saxe Design on Global Tech News

MaX Saxe Design Tech Blog - opinions on MaX Saxe Design Tech News

At bottom of MaX Saxe Design Tech Blog links to MaX Saxe Design Tech News

MaX Saxe Design Tech News

MaX Saxe Design News is the hub of Global Tech News

MaX Saxe Design Tech News - Global Tech News

At bottom of MaX Saxe Design Tech News links to MaX Saxe Design Blog

Other Blogs

MaX Falstein Blogs

There will be a few, more personal blogs, run by @MaXFalstein and under the name of MaX Falstein or something similar

MaXintosh Pro

There will be a few gaming blogs and news blogs related to the New MaXintosh Pro gaming community

There are others, but I cannot say what they will be as of now

We will let you all know in due time